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When you take care of the spa you could have to repair any leaks at some moment. A tub spa usually doesn't leak, however it's not impossible for it to happen. There are many parts of the tub that can cause leaks, such as the manifold for the heater assembly, the seal at the end of the pump as well as the jet bodies, the PVC plumbing parts and tubing, slice gates and slice valves as well as other parts of the tub. The first thing you should take if you notice that your hot tub is suffering from a leak is to fix it.

Leaks in water and discolorations are the most frequent within filter housings. Discoloration usually happens when an old hot tub leaks and leaks water that's not clean, which makes the tub look bad. The tub can be damaged even if you do nothing to stop a leak from your home, but not by causing discoloration.

Discoloration on the filter housing can be a normal thing that's not something you can do about it right now. You can only be aware that something is happening. As time passes, it will be brittle and easy to break, which means it won't last for very long. As long as it doesn't become a problem and isn't in the public eye Don't even consider it.

All things, including the housing, will not be affected by the discoloration. It's a normal discoloration after more than a decade of use. As long as it is functional there's no need to worry about it.

How do you fix a filter housing leak in a spa?
Without knowing what to do, having a leak in the hot tub's enclosure can be very painful. The best thing to do is to contact a tub repair service.

When there is a leak between the filter housing and the tub shell The most effective way for stopping it is remove some of the water in your tub so that it's not below the filter. Certain silicone sealants will assist in sealing the spaces between your tub's shell and your filter housing. You can also caulk all of more information them.

Make sure you press the sealant into the gaps with your fingers or a caulking tool to ensure good penetration and let it dry for a while before filling them. Filter housing leaks can cause an issue with plumbing or even cause damage to the housing if you try to remove it in the future, so be careful when doing this. This is why you must pay attention.

Take care not to put too much stress on the housing of your filter. When there is lots of strain on the housing, the o-ring gets stuck in the housing of the filter. A big pair of channel locks and a strap wrench will be capable of getting the task completed. But you don't want to scratch the filter head, if it isn't your intention to go too slow. Take your time while doing your work.

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